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Have a look on this information page about medical care of teeth in Ukraine



Will the fees for this service be returned by insurences?

What costs have I to be prepared for?

How long have I to stay in Ukraine for tooth treetment?

What is the medical qualification of dentists in Ukraine?

What is the tecnical standard, especially
for prosthetics, in Ukraine?

What's about hygiene care in Ukraine?

The discussed problem about amalgam fillings,
are such fillings used in Ukraine at present?

The discussed problem about amalgam fillings,
are such fillings used in Ukraine at present?

What is the sequence of tasks to be done,
what precautions will be taken individually?

I do not speak russian or ukrainian.
who will help me in Ukraine?

May be that I will need medicine. What is the
safety level for pharmaceutical articles in Ukraine?



Here you will find interesting links,
especially featuring the topic Ukraine

Verein für bilaterale Ehen

Forum für bilaterale Ehen

Ukraine Info - Die Ukraine Homepage von
Senator Gerhard Bartosch - Linz

Flughafen Kiev - Borispol

Miller Touristik Service

DIE EUROPAEISCHE Reise-Krankenversicherung

Auswärtiges Amt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Deutsche Botschaft Kiew - Adresse

Österreichische Botschaft in Kiev

Botschaft der Ukraine in Deutschland

New Information and Entertainment

Kunstgallerie online, Wilma Rösch


Calculation example to compare the costs:

Experience of patients ...........

                  Please tell us about yor own experience by email            

You are interested in our supply or may be you have furthermore questions?


Calculation example

Our example shows the
the total ammount to
pay is not even
compared with an
offer for the same
work in western Europe.